Wednesday, July 30, 2014

PiYo: One Week Later

Ok, so after a week of my new PiYo adventure here is my review.  The workouts are intense!  This is not a wimpy at home workout.  I have been stretched to the point of shear exhaustion!  However, with that being said I have come through it not only stronger physically but mentally, as well.  There were several days that I contemplated giving up and going back to my 21 Day Fix workouts.  I made myself push through and the results are great.  As I started my second week I notice that I am able to hold that plank just a little bit longer and my warrior 3 pose is just a little bit more steady.  To me that is a big WIN!  When you beat a challenge both physically and mentally it opens up a new way of being, it makes you a better person.  So, lesson learned.....KEEP GOING!

See you next time!

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